martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Assessing Young Learners

Young language learners are those who are learning a foreign or second language and who are doing so during the first six or seven years of formal schooling (primary or elementary school) and are aged between 5 to 12 years old. Young learners of a new language may be classified as Bilingual learners are those learners who learn two (or more) languages to some level of proficiency (Bialystok, 2001, p. 5), foreign language learners learning a language in a situation where the language is seldom heard outside the classroom, and second language learners are usually members of a minority language group in a country where the majority of their peers have spoken the language from birth. Second language learners do not need to speak both languages fully to be bilingual, especially in a second language situation. 
After rewind it a little bit what young learners are and their clasification according to their learning context...
I found this video on Youtube which shows two ways where teachers are assessing communication (Storytelling and oral presentation about real life issues) on young learners with some insights from teachers and students which I believe it would be helpful for our work, giving us some ideas how to avoid traditional teaching and assessment methods, when assessing young learners.

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