domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Let's talk about testing

Hello everyone

After reading Brown for a while I found myself in front of this short quiz that you  can see in the first pages of the  reading, I hope you remenber it,  

and I must said I felt myself some how quite ignorant, because I didn't know any of the words even though the book was suggesting it was quite easy, at least that was my case, maybe you knew all the answers, I don't know. Where I want to reach is to the point of thinking the following: If I felt somehow pressed by the fact of not knowing any answer of this quiz, maybe as future teachers we could analyse how language learners feel about a test, from our own experience as students of this program, on secondary school, primary, etc., and use it to propose a better posible way to undertake tests. As for the ones who are already teachers  how do you see testing? but not as a student. How do you do it?
What are you planning to achieve when doing a test?